His is the perfect example of a rags-to-riches story....and the need for inspiration stops there. Like the papers quoted, Michael Jacskon lived 39 years of his 50 years in the eyes of the public. And as the ever-changing public, we've taken him on processions when his songs rocked and when his supposedly dirty linen was washed in public,we chastised him!!! But his most loyal fans stood behind him and he was freed of all related charges. All but to no avail..an already diminishing health because of his skin problems and mental trauma, his health(and life included) was on the decline.
His comeback concert "This is it" in London was a complete sell-out and it was a reason to rejoice for his numerous fans. But all the rejoicing stays under the wraps,forever. Exceptionally talented & possessing almost-supernatural dance moves, Michael Jackson is a person who CANNOT be replaced. It is the exact reason why millions are mourning his death. Death supersedes everything and in the event of his passing away, all his scandals have disappeared into the twilight zone. All that our visceral senses visualize is a teen sensation who rose to the pinnacle of stardom, fell to the depths and was taken away before he could rise from the ashes like a phoenix.
An undeniable fact will always remain etched in history is that, MJ created the unprecedentedly famous Moonwalk. His albums transcended the lines of rampant racism present during his teenage days. He was the first afro-american to star in MTV, thus ushering in more such talent. His 'Thriller' was and still remains the best-selling album in history, selling more than a million records. I am sure this record will stay forever!!! And this will be the ultimate dedication by his fans to the self-proclaimed king of Pop.
I may not be his die-hard fan, but an irreplaceable loss always finds many mourners. And am one such mourner. And as one of my friends put it, let his sould R.I.M(Rest In Music).Amen.

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